"Heart of the Hive" Our Vision and Annual Giveaway

"The Hive" is our large group and family retreat lodge here in the Smoky Mountains. Our passion is giving familes and groups a place to call home base while exploring the Smoky Mountains. We then partner with you, our guests, to give that same peace and restoriaration to others who deserving of such restoration. Please read more about our mission below.

Our Way to Give Back

The “Heart of the Hive” is our concept that people from all walks of life should experience peace and rest in their lives. Our desire is that we can give back to those in the greatest need of rest, whomever that may be. From underpaid teachers who are raising up and educating the next generation in a defunded, stressful school environment to a young military family who is struggling to regain traction and normalcy when returning home from tour. What about those who are always taking care of others like parents of kids with special needs or a husband and wife battling a lifelong disease together. Other examples can include human trafficking and domestic violence recovery group leaders, pastors of small churches who may feel burnt out, etc. Have you noticed a theme? We want to take care of and provide rest and rejuvenation to those who are consistently pouring themselves into others. This line of work can be fulfilling, yet draining on the soul at the same time. We will be vigilant in our surrounding communities and also rely our on our guests to send us leads of families who may be in need of and enjoy this type of rest. This creates a strong partnership and allows both The Hive Lodge and our guests a unique opportunity to partner together and make a real difference in people’s lives.

Our Partnership with You

This strong partnership between us and our guests ensures we can give and you can receive the most out each and every stay with us! Financially, when a group books their stay with us they will partially support a family who cannot afford to stay at the lodge. Rather than seek donations and run entirely as a non-profit we want all of our guests to have the same experience and opportunities at the Lodge. Our ultimate goal is to have several group giveaways throughout the year for groups in need of respite. The ability to customize and craft the perfect experience for a specific group will be no different than us customizing a family reunion for our paying guests. This is our passion and vision! We want our guests to see and know in a very tangible way they are supporting and helping others as they enjoy their very own peaceful stay with us.

Recipient Categories

Pastors in Transition

Military Families in Transition

Caregivers of a Disabled Spouse

Wounded Warriors

Human Trafficking Group Leaders

Parents of Special Needs Children

Law Enforcement Officers Injured

Those who Provide Respite for Others

Law Enforcement in Transition

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The Perfect Location!

The Smoky Mountains is known as "God's Country" for its natural beauty and slower pace of life. This produces the ultimate backdrop for mental healing and restoration. The Hive is our ultimate group and large family lodging in the Great Smoky Mountains. It's "A Place Where Busy Bees Rest". The space is set up for large groups of 12-20 people. From church groups to corporations and family reunions to team building groups; The Hive Lodge is the perfect Smoky Mountain Cabin rental base for peaceful retreats to adventurous large groups. There is also an additional historic cabin on property that allows us to sleep up to 30 persons in beds at this time!